Monday, August 2, 2010

Schnitzel & Beer

Hi Everyone,

We’re moving into our new German home tomorrow, 3 August. We’ve eaten a German meal every night since we got here last Wednesday. Jeff’s had schnitzel four nights in a row. Different kinds but still, your basic schnitzel under the gravy, onions, mushrooms, cheese or whatever they happen to put on top. We’ve been to the Bremerhofen Waldhaus (forest house) beer garden twice this weekend and, of course, was able to sample the local Bischof Pils.

Met with our landlords at their gausthaus Friday night, The Blockhaus. They’re a wonderful family. Klaus and Hiltrud Schellhaas are our landlords. We also met with their son Bernd and Tonya, who own/operate the Blockhaus, and their daughter Anna. Had a great meal, schnitzel, and great, real (not that foo-foo American type) Bitburger beer.

Lots of little issues to take care of here. Cell phones, utilities, Internet service and second car are the big ones. Picked up the car we shipped Friday PM. Although that was a very efficient process it still took us over three hours from driver’s license in hand to driving our car out of the processing center.

We found out the Ramstein shoppette sells Weihenstephan by the case. That made Jeff happy since Weihenstephan is the world’s oldest brewery. Of course, Jeff already knew that and had to point out that they’ve been brewing beer since 1040.

The weather has been great. 70s day, 50s night.

Sorry there are no pictures. We keep forgetting the camera but we’ll be better at that in the future.

For now, Auf Wiedersehen.


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