Monday, January 2, 2012

New German Boxing Day Tradition

We had a very nice, little family Christmas here in Weilerbach with Jeff, Kelly and I. We did all the traditional Christmas stuff, at least our traditions. Chili and cornbread Christmas eve, mimosa and sweet rolls Christmas morning. Had a nice Yuletide fire while we opened gifts and later watched our third Christmas movie; White Christmas. (Isn't iTunes great!) Big ham evening meal with all the fixins.

Kelly got me a Rüdesheimer Kaffee kit, complete with two cups, plates and spoons. So the next day, Boxing Day, Jeff made up a batch of Kaffees for Kelly and I. Here's a video of how that went. The ingredients are; sugar cubes, Asbach Uralt (cognac), fire, coffee, whipped cream, chocolate flakes.

Not bad for the first attempt and it tasted absolutely wonderful. Now, you can make something approaching Rüdesheimer Kaffee right there in your own home but if you don't make it with Asbach it's not a Rüdesheimer. And, if you don't have the official Rüdesheimer Kaffee cups, then why even try.

Since it was boxing day we had to go down to the pubs. Since there's no English pubs here in the German heartland we found a nice substitute, an Irish pub. Here's me, Kelly and Jeff in full Guinness regalia at Thursty Nelly's in Kaiserslautern. Slàinte!! Good Craic!!


  1. too much spillage! where's my Baileys?!

  2. I loved the video for making the Rudesheimer Kaffee. Daddy really did a good job...except for spilling it everywhere. It might be a new Boxing Tradition, but then when we are back in Texas we have to head over to the Euless Yacht Club haha. I love that the kit came with the chocolate flakes haha. Kelly said a little bit of cream (reminded me of when mom said a little piece of chocolate at WW).

    That's awesome that you guys went to an Irish pub with your Guinness shirts on!

    Happy Boxing Day!
